Some areas are known to have health problems that burden is different. Based on research conducted by Kemenkes note 10 ranking districts with health development index is good and bad.
Dr. Triono Soendoro, PhD as the expert staff of health ministers of health risk factors of protection in the event declaration Operational Research Activities Management Health Troubled Region (PDBK) and Research on Health Facility (Rifaskes) Kemenkes House on Thursday (04/21/2011) there are 440 cities surveyed.
Rank 10 district health development index value of the top and bottom are:
10 districts / cities top healthcare ranking
1. Magelang
2. Gianyar
3. Salatiga
4. Yogyakarta City
5. Bantul
6. Sukoharjo
7. Sleman
8. Balikpapan
9. Denpasar City
10. Madiun
10 districts / cities ranked lowest health
431. Mappi
432. Asmat
433. East Seram
434. Yahukimo
435. South Nias
436. Paniai
437. Manggarai
438. Puncak Jaya
439. Gayo Lues
440. Mountain Star
"We announced 10 lowest ranked does not mean all of them agree, there is one who protests and conduct their own research. Of course the results differ because of different methodology used, "said Dr. Triono Soendoro, PhD.
Determination of this ranking based on the value of Community Health Development Index (IPKM). This is a composite indicator IPKM which describes the progress of health development are formulated from community-based health data that is Riskesdas (basic health research), PSE (socio-economic data) and Podes survey (potency village).
Based on 3 survey found 24 indicators that fall into IPKM namely:
- The prevalence of malnourished children under five and less
- The prevalence of children under five are very short and short
- The prevalence of very thin and emaciated toddler
- Prevalence of overweight toddlers
- Prevalence of diarrhea
- Prevalence of pneumonia
- Prevalence of hypertension
- Prevalence of mental disorders
- Prevalence of asthma
- Prevalence of diseases of teeth and mouth
- The proportion of hand-washing behavior
- The proportion of smoking every day
- Access to clean water
- Access to sanitation
- Scope of delivery by health workers
- Coverage of neonatal examination-1
- Complete immunization coverage
- Coverage of a child's weight
- The ratio of doctors
- The ratio of midwives
- Prevalence of disability
- The prevalence of injury
- Prevalence [enyakit joints
- Prevalence of ARI (acute respiratory tract infections)
Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, DrPH said PDBK and Rifaskes program is a combination of stakeholders at central and provincial level with the observation of researchers.
"With this combined effort is expected to formulate appropriate and effective interventions so that IPKM in the area could be improved significantly," said Menkes.
In this area, including lower rank will be called to gather together and find out why the results can be ugly. For example, if the hospital and clinic is nice but poor health status may be because there is no public transportation, that are hard to come due.
"The results from both these activities will be input to the preparation of evidence-based health development policy (evidence base)," he said.
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